Dealer FFLs
FFL Type 01: Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices
- Most common FFL type
- Allows buying and selling firearms for business purposes
- Suitable for local gun shops and home-based FFLs
FFL Type 02: Pawnbroker in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices
- Similar to Type 01, but includes pawnbroker activities
- Less common than Type 01
FFL Type 09: Dealer in Destructive Devices
- Permits dealing in destructive devices
- Requires Class 3 SOT (Special Occupational Taxpayer) status
Manufacturer FFLs
FFL Type 06: Manufacturer of Ammunition
- Allows manufacturing and selling ammunition
- Does not permit firearm manufacturing or sales
FFL Type 07: Manufacturer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices
- Second most common FFL type
- Permits manufacturing and selling firearms and ammunition
- Requires proper marking of manufactured firearms
FFL Type 10: Manufacturer of Destructive Devices
- Allows manufacturing destructive devices, ammunition for destructive devices, and armor-piercing ammunition